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인공지능은 공정한 세계를 꿈꾸는가?

by 명랑한 소장님 2022. 8. 3.

한국과학기술기획평가원(KISTEP) 회지 <KISTEP lnl> 2022 여름호에 게재되었습니다. 



● 데이비드 섬프터,전대호 약. 알고리즘이 지배한다는 착각. 해나무, 2022. 

캐시 오닐,김정혜 역. 『대량살상수학무기』. 흐름출판, 2017. 

카타리나 츠바이크, 유영미 역. 『무자비한 알고리즘』. 니케북스, 2021.

● Adam Mann. How Science Is Helping Stop Crime Before It Occurs. Nbcnews. 7 October, 2017.


James Zou & Londa Schiebinger. AI can be sexist and racist — it’s time to make it fair. Nature. 18 July 2018.


● Mara Hvistendahl. Can ‘predictive policing' prevent crime before it happens?. Science. 28 September, 2016.


Matt J. Kusner & Joshua R. Loftus. The long road to fairer algorithms. Nature. 11 December 2020.


Rachel Courtland. Bias detectives: the researchers striving to make algorithms fair. Nature. 20 June 2018.


● Randy Rieland. Artificial Intelligence Is Now Used to Predict Crime. But Is It Biased?. Smithsonian Magazine March 5, 2018.


Sigal Samuel. Why it’s so damn hard to make AI fair and unbiased. Vox. April 19, 2022.
