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손가락 주름의 흥망성쇠

by 명랑한 소장님 2021. 4. 3.

- 참 고  논 문 -

○ Bull, C., and J. A. Henry. "Finger wrinkling as a test of autonomic function." British Medical Journal 1.6060 (1977): 551.

○ Changizi, Mark, et al. "Are wet-induced wrinkled fingers primate rain treads?." Brain, Behavior and Evolution 77.4 (2011): 286-290.

○ Haseleu, Julia, et al. "Water-Induced Finger Wrinkles Do Not Affect Touch Acuity or Dexterity in Handling Wet Objects." PLOS ONE 9.1 (2014): e84949.

○ Kareklas, Kyriacos, Daniel Nettle, and Tom V. Smulders. "Water-induced finger wrinkles improve handling of wet objects." Biology letters 9.2 (2013).

○ O'Riain, Seamus. "New and simple test of nerve function in hand." British Medical Journal 3.5881 (1973): 615.

○ Tindall, A., R. Dawood, and B. Povlsen. "Case of the month: The skin wrinkle test: a simple nerve injury test for paediatric and uncooperative patients." Emergency medicine journal 23.11 (2006): 883-886.

○ Yin, Jie, Gregory J. Gerling, and Xi Chen. "Mechanical modeling of a wrinkled fingertip immersed in water." Acta biomaterialia 6.4 (2010): 1487-1496.


- 관 련  기 사 -

  “물속에 들어가면 손가락이 쭈글쭈글해지는 이유”, <KISTI 미리안>, 2013년 1월 11일


  “Wrinkly Fingers May Not Give You a Better Grip”, <SCIENCE>, 9. JAN. 2014


○ 두 점 식별two-point discrimination에 관해서는 위키피디아 참고




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